Corporate Cup Challenge

    Run with your co-workers and compete against other companies in the Pikes Peak Region in the Corporate Cup Challenge!

    Teams of Five can sign up as a Company Team and compete in two categories: Fastest team-time (40% of your score) and Best Costumes (60% of your

    score). It does help your final score of your team if you share our events on your company social media pages; we do know that not everyone can do that, but it can be used as a tie-breaker! Teams will run in the 5k for St. Patrick’s Day, beginning at 10 AM, and then meet at the Paddy O’Pub after the race to showcase their costumes. Race organizer Carol O’Donnell, with some help from the crowd, will decide the winning Team! Teams who register will get a shout out on our socials before the big day. You can also ask us to mention any info or use any #hashtags when you register! Registration is $175 per team and the team must register before race day! Be aware there are no refunds for any reason!

    Winners get:

    • A free beer at the Paddy O’Pub ( or soda if you’re non-alcoholic)  located right by the 5k Finish and site of the  Judging location
    • A gift Certificate for your team of 5 for lunch
    • The Corporate Cup is engraved with your company name
      • You get to keep it in your office for the year
    • Bragging rights
    • You’re team photo and company name will be used in next year’s promotions!

    Click Here to Register!

    Event Details
    Event Details